Sunday, January 16, 2011

Homemade Pizza

As some of you know, we've been working like crazy trying to finish the "reno" on our kitchen and right now cooking is next to impossible. Some of the cabinet doors are removed or set half-open because of wet paint. I'm finding paint splats on the floor, on my stove, on the's driving me nuts!  So we have an extra day this weekend to really kick it into high gear and get the main work area done. After that we're on to the pantry around the corner and, other than the fact that I probably won't be able to find anything once everything is boxed up, I'm welcoming some improved organization there in the near future.

While we're in this phase, we've been missing our family dinners at the table and eating has been totally on the fly. (I'm sure we'll all need to detox by the time we're done.) For what it's worth though, I whipped up a homemade pizza yesterday, thanks in whole to R2D2--my beloved bread machine! He did all but stretch out the dough and put on the toppings. I figure a homemade one is a little better than frozen boxed.

If you are fortunate enough to have a bread machine, get it out and use it. The bread is healthier and nothing at all like the tasteless store bought stuff. Even pizza dough is quick and amazing tasting with a little Italian seasoning or Parmesan cheese added in when the machine beeps midway through the cycle. 

As I've said frequently, Grandma didn't consider herself a baker (and Lord knows, she wouldn't have cooked pizza!) but she sure enjoyed the loaves of fresh bread I brought her from the first R2D2 I got almost almost 20 years ago. She loved the big hunks toasted with a little honey or jam on them. 

I think if she'd had a bread machine many years earlier, she would have dove in feet first and tried all the recipes it had to offer. When you get to your 80s or 90s though, it takes a little more effort to be adventurous. I guess that's why we grandchildren have to step up and be adventurous on behalf of our older loved ones!

Homemade Pizza

1½ cups warm water
1½ tablespoons vegetable oil
3¾ cups bread flour
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon sugar
1½ teaspoons salt
1½ tsp active dry yeast

Add ingredients to your bread machine in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Choose the dough cycle.

When dough cycle is complete, preheat oven containing pizza stone to 400F.

Remove dough from bread machine pan and place on floured board or work surface. Split into two pieces and knead each to form a ball. Work each piece quickly, stretching out to desired size, allowing to rest for a few minutes if dough becomes resistant to stretching. Once desired size is achieved, pierce all over crusts with a fork to prevent bubbles when cooking. Place crusts on pizza peel and place in oven on preheated stone. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

Remove using pizza peel and top with desired toppings. Return to oven and cook until cheese is melted. Makes 2-3 12-inch pizzas, depending on crust thickness.

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