Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

From our family to you, blessings for a healthy and happy new year! 

We are using the weekend to paint our kitchen--step two of our "relaxed renovation." Step one--removing all the wallpaper and painting the walls--is already done. We've been working on step two since Thanksgiving--cleaning and painting the inside of the solid maple cabinets that were original to the house. So far we've gotten three totally done. Now the question is--can we complete the rest by Sunday night? It's a lofty goal, but the pressure's on because we have kitchen "stuff" piled on the stove, tabletop, and almost every available we have to get it done! 

So why didn't we just get new cabinets, you ask? Mainly because of the expense. We didn't want to go into debt to have a new kitchen. The cabinets we have are still in excellent shape, they just needed a face lift! So this "reno" is also an economical and eco-friendly one. When the cabinets are done, we are having the existing tile back splash, counter tops, and sink re-glazed in a more contemporary color. I can hardly wait!

We will be back on Monday to share more hearty recipes from Grandma's classic collection! Homemade Pizza, Chicken Soup with Dumplings, Fresh Chicken Stir Fry, and Homemade Bread are just a few of the recipes in be sure to stop by!

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