Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chicken Soup with Dumplings

There is one thing Grandma made that had such wonderful flavor: Chicken Soup. Unfortunately, I've never been able to replicate it to Grandma's perfection...but I'm working on it. She may have thrown in some seasoning or herb that wasn't called for in the recipe and I have yet to discover what that was. When I do, you'll know. The result is still delicious though.

This particular one-pot soup can be made with or without the dumplings, but I recommend you use pastry flour as called for in the recipe and not all-purpose. Pastry flour is finer in texture and creates a more pliable dough which works perfectly for these dumplings. 

Grandma's dumplings were always fairly large (about 3 inches in diameter) and deliciously doughy and tasty. This particular dumpling recipe is versatile because you can use it in any kind of soup or stew (other recipes might contain the broth or meat of whatever soup you're cooking, but these babies are plain).

Also, serve them as soon as they are done. Adding in the dumplings was the last thing Grandma did right before serving it up. 

One-pot meals are just the ticket on a cold wintry day (or any day, for that matter). They are easy, filling, nutritious and delicious. 

Chicken Soup
2 Tbsp butter or oil
1 large onion, diced (reserve half)
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 ribs celery, sliced (reserve half)
6 carrots, sliced or julienned (reserve half)
1 cube chicken bouillon
8 cups water
1 whole chicken 
salt and pepper
2 tsp sage
1 Tbsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried sage

Melt butter in Dutch oven or large stockpot.  Saute onions for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Add garlic and cook for additional minute; add celery and carrots and cook for 2 minutes. Add in water and bouillon cube and bring to gentle boil. Meanwhile, thoroughly clean chicken, then salt and pepper it and add to pot. Add in parsley and sage.  Reduce heat to low and simmer for 1-2 hours.

When done, remove chicken and strain broth. Remove all meat from chicken. Return broth to pot along with chicken meat and reserved vegetables. Salt and pepper to taste and let simmer for additional 1/2 hour. Add in dumplings in last 15 minutes.

1 cups pastry flour
1 1/2 tsps baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 small egg
1/3 cup milk
1 Tbsp melted butter

Sift all dry ingredients and set aside. Beat egg slightly in large bowl and add milk and sifted dry ingredients. Beat thoroughly then add melted butter. Drop by spoonfuls on top of stew or soup then cover and cook until done. Serve immediately. Makes 4 large dumplings.

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