Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life Calls

We all have such busy lives and sometimes things happen in our families that require our undivided attention and assistance. 

Beloved home with Dad, Mom & my "young" husband
After two years on the market in a down economy, the home my husband grew up in sold earlier this month. The process is moving quickly and the closing deadline is March 17. This is a classic case of natural accumulation of stuff over a lifetime and now it all needs to be downsized--and quickly. It's totally overwhelming for my 84 year old mother-in-law, Evelyn, and we are trying to prevent her from having a meltdown by helping her sort through it all and complete the list of items the buyer requires before closing. 

Last week we held our breath as we waited to hear whether she was able to get the apartment at the retirement home where she wanted to reside. Thankfully that worked out beautifully.  She ended up with a better apartment than the one she was originally shown!

So all that to say, I haven't given up on my beloved blog. Life has called for our help and we need to be attentive to that--at least for now. Thank you for your prayers and patience!

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