Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ambrosia Salad

Another family favorite during the holidays (or any time of year) was Grandma's Ambrosia Fruit Salad. It was just plain good (and refreshing) with ingredients you can get year round. The trick was to let it thaw until it became soft and then the fruity and marshmallow-y goodness came through in all its delectable-ness...sorry, got a little carried away there. It really is good though and something different for your table than just the ubiquitous red jello, especially during the holidays.

Ambrosia Fruit Salad

1 pkg (8 oz) Philly Cream Cheese, softened
1 cup mayonnaise
1 large can fruit cocktail, drained thoroughly
½ cup drained/halved marachino cherries
2 ½ cups mini marshmallows
1/2 pint whipped cream

Mix softened cream cheese and mayo until smooth. Gently fold in fruit cocktail, mini marshmallows and whipped cream that has been prepared and sweetened to taste. Fold in marachino cherries last. Pour entire mixture into small Pyrex baking dish and freeze at least 3 hours or overnight.  Thaw slightly and cut into squares. 

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