Saturday, March 19, 2011

Back in the Saddle....Slowly!

I'm getting back in the blogging saddle after a 3 week hiatus.

Mom signed the papers yesterday and my dear husband moved the last bit of stuff out and closed the door on the home he grew up in. It's been tiring and emotional, but very satisfying that we managed to get Mom moved out, moved in, and all settled. She is comfortable and content in her new apartment and already making new friends. I think the financial simplicity without the big home to care for has given her a sense of freedom. A new chapter in her life has begun.

For us it's back to life as usual. Never boring, but busy nonetheless. Spring is beginning to appear and we're way behind on our garden tasks. March 17 has always been our day to start the process by planting potatoes, but I'm afraid they're gonna be a little late this year!  The weather has been so rainy and cold and thinking about the garden has been the last thing on our minds lately but our 2011 plan is ready to go. Probably in the next week or two we'll start in so we can have the pleasure of fresh vegetables again this year.  This is what it looked like last year and the harvest was bountiful. 

I think our favorite was the corn. Being able to pick those ears right before dinner was amazing and words can't describe how delicious they were!

We learned so much last year and although we wouldn't be so bold as to consider ourselves "experts," there will probably be a few changes. Nothing will be planted in the same space and we'll probably do something different to support the tomatoes and peas. The biggest challenge will be keeping the chickens out. Thankfully we've got a few rolls of garden fencing to surround the space. Scratching is what they do best, but we'd rather they do that when the garden is empty!

Once the sun comes out, we'll be knee deep in the dirt and I can hardly wait! Fresh air, fresh earth, and a new harvest to look forward to.

It's so good to be back and I hope you'll stay tuned for some great home cooking in the days and weeks to come.

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